Fit HubYaşamTek Bacağını Kanserle Kaybeden 6 Madalya Sahibi Paralimpik Snowboarder Brenna Huckaby

Tek Bacağını Kanserle Kaybeden 6 Madalya Sahibi Paralimpik Snowboarder Brenna Huckaby

Eğer tek bacağınızın kesilmesine izin verirseniz kanser yüzünden hayatınızı kaybetmeyeceğinizi size söyleseler ne hissederdiniz?

Bu durum ile 14 yaşında karşı karşıya kalan paralimpik şampiyon Brenna Huckaby, ameliyatından sonraki gün annesine “artık kanser olmadığını” söylemiş. Ancak 6 ay sonra kanseri yendiği fikri hayatını kaybettiği düşüncesi ile yer değiştirmiş…

Brenna Huckaby 1996 yılında Lousiana’da doğmuş.

Kendisini bildi bileli spor yaptığını ve 13 yaşına kadar jimnastik ile uğraştığını söylüyor.


Brenna 13 yaşındayken dizinde zorlanmasına sebep olan bir ağrı başlamış.

Antrenmanları ve katıldığı yarışmalarda kendisini acı içinde bulan Brenna bunun geçici bir sakatlık olduğunu düşünüyormuş.


Bir yılın sonunda ise bu durumun normal olmaktan çıktığını düşünen annesi,

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Adaptive snowboarding is about adapting to the changes. My first heat (semi finals) I was unable to race because my prosthetic leg broke while I was in the start. We assumed I was unable to race for the rest of the night so I had my teammate @brittanicoury take her time to grab my spare leg (from my hotel room). Less than 5 minutes before the next heat they told me I could race for third. I hadn’t even received my spare leg. In less than 2 minutes we had my leg put together, tightening bolts while I was in the start gate. Within seconds I was racing. Dumbest thing I’ve ever done, but coolest. This is what adaptive sport is about. It’s incredible how lucky I am to have a supportive crew behind me helping me out. I raced extremely conservative unsure of what my leg was going to do, but I’m proud of myself for rolling with the punches! Awesome day and I look forward to Korea (where I will have a spare leg ready to go). I have the best pit crew in the world. Thanks @brittanicoury @lane.clegg and @monstermikeschultz for being a huge help! Congrats @cecilehernandezcash @nicoleroundy @amypurdygurl for y’all podiums! Thanks @cecilehernandezcash for your words! I was really looking forward to getting in the gate with you! Keep going fast and let’s get this leg fixed so we can race again!

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Brenna’yı doktora götüyor ve doktorlar biyopsi yapılmasına karar veriyor.


Bir yıl boyunca kendisini geride tutan şeyin kanserli bir tümör olduğunu öğrenen Brenna,

Tanı konulduktan iki gün sonra kemoterapi tedavisi görmeye başlamış.


Kemoterapiye cevap vermeyen dizindeki tümörün büyümeye devam etmesi ise,

Doktorları almak istemeyecekleri bir karara sürüklüyor: Brenna’nın sağ bacağının bir kısmının kesilmesi.


Brenna ameliyat günü ile ilgili tüm ailesinin orada olduğunu söylüyor,

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3 years ago today my world changed. I went from worrying about perfecting my beam routine to worrying about if I could walk again. 3 years ago today I had an above the knee amputation of the right leg because of a rare bone cancer called Osteosarcoma. There's nothing I hate more than sad people; especially when people are sad for me. November 18,2010 was a day full of laughter.. (until the actual surgery of course) we wrote all over my leg & already started coming up with some clever amputee jokes. I guess what I'm trying to say is no matter how ? your life can get it's all about perspective. sure life was easy with 2 legs but I wouldn't go back because then I would have never met some of the coolest people, I would never have gotten the opportunity to travel the country and world, & I would never have been so dang happy. i just wanted to thank everyone for making these last 3 years special & worth the fight. ??

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Bacağının kesilmesi haberinin kendisi ve herkes için iyi olduğunu çünkü bu sayede yaşayabileceğini ve kanseri atlatabileceğini düşündüğünü ve herkesin heyecanlı olduğunu ekiliyor.


Bu inancı içinde Brenna ameliyattan sonraki gün annesine;

Artık kanser olmadığını dile getirmiş.


Gerçekten artık hayatını geri kazanmış olması düşüncesi ise altı ay sonra birden yıkılıvermiş.

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7 years ago to this day I had an amputation. This picture isn’t easy for me to share. ( I also apologize for the long caption, this just needs to be said ?) After a failed attempt at chemotherapy, a tumor that grew rather than shrank, and hours of crying the decision to amputate my leg was made. We decided amputation was the only necessary way for me to have a quality of life… or a life in general… Can you imagine that? Cutting off a necessary tool on your body in order to live a better life? Whhhaaaa? How? I had to trust people I didn’t know to help make a life changing decision. I had to trust my doctors and family that amputating my leg was going to give me a life beyond cancer. It wasnt easy. I was a fourteen year old high school student and gymnast. In my mind boys would only like me if I had legs just as legs were needed to be a professional athlete. These things were all I cared about(eye roll because gross, life is so much more amazing than boys and legs??-like have you seen puppies on the beach?) Anyway, how was I going to make a life for myself without a leg!? Blind faith and cool parents. Thats how. I trusted that life was more about how you take on each situation rather than the situation as a whole. “The human heart plans the way but the Lord directs the steps.” In my case, the steps were a zig zag but holy smokes am I blessed with the direction my life has gone. Medals aside, I feel I have achieved more in my 21 years than most people in their life time. I chose for myself to keep wanting more. I chose to stand up taller each time I fell down. And I chose to accept the help from those that love me to get me through the hardest moments. This is a smidge of the story but I feel I needed to share ❤️ *2010 Brenna next to fellow cancer survivor and overall BA my Aunt Lou #CancerSuck #CancerSurvivor #Live #Fight #Strong #Love #Family #Blessed #Grateful #Anniversary #Cancer #Women #Sick #Health #Balance #Goals #Life #Laugh #Pray #Push #Faith #MomLife #Share #Amazed #Athlete #Motivate #Inspire #Unstoppable

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Brenna jimnastiğin onu mutlu ettiğini ve tüm hayatının jimnastik olduğunu dile getiriyor.


Ancak ameliyat sonrası geçen altı ay hiç kolay olmamış ve yokluğunu hissettiği hayatını,

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#Throw back to my first prosthetic leg and photoshoot. I wouldn't be where I am today without the sacrifices my parents made. They sacrificed their time, money, and relationship to get me smiling and loving life again. In 2013 my mom and dad made the courageous decision to move me to Utah to start this pea of a dream. I wanted to be a Paralympian, even though I had been on snow a handful of times. My mom moved to Utah by herself, found a job as a nurse, and moved into a basement apartment. 3 months later I joined her and invested myself into my career. Now that I'm a mom, I understand the love of a mother and sacrifices that I have to make but my parents went above and way beyond that. I am tearing up thinking about it. I hope that when the time comes I can be strong enough to sacrifice myself the way my parents did. #CancerSurvivor #Amputee #Osteosarcoma #Bald #Cancer #Survivor #BeforeTheDreamWasADream #VulnerableMoments @nbcolympics @usparalympics @teamutahsnowboarding @teamusa @hestragloves @biodapt

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Yani jimnastiğin yerini doldurması gerektiğini anlamış.


Snowboardla tanışmasını sağlayan kişinin ise tedavi sonrası,

Kendisini ve diğer ampüte çocukları kayak yapmaya gönderen doktoru olduğunu söylüyor.


Burada kayak yerine kendisine snowboardu seçen Brenna,

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Little did I know this was the last gymnastics competition I would compete in. I remember this like it was yesterday; my coaches were constantly criticizing my bent knee in the back. I tried everything to straighten it, from sitting in front of the clock extending my knees till I couldn't walk to having people sit on them till they were straight. I had no idea it was a tumor blocking my range of motion. * * A short few months after this meet I would be putting together my next year's routine. I was SO excited, but my mom wanted to get my knee pain checked by a professional. I had no idea the routine I put together would never be seen. * * Gymnastics was my life. Gymnastics was my passion and it was my everything. I say this now without sadness. I'm happy for my was. It was exactly what I needed at that time in my life. It was my outlet. I am so grateful for those days, and I'm even more grateful for my new outlet of snowboarding. I know gymnastics provided the tools I needed to be successful in my current sport. * * No matter what life throws in your way, keep going. Keep pushing and keep riding. You may not see it now, but there's a light at the end of that tunnel. It may be a different light than you're used to, and that's okay because you'll find yourself again and you'll come back better and stronger than before. Passions change as life does and that my friends is more than okay. What I've found is those changing passions provide tools for your future endeavors. Now here are more pictures of little Brenna ? #NationalGymnasticsDay #gymnastics #passion #nevergiveup #CANcer #cancersucks #cancersurvivor #gymnast #snowboard #push #love #life #limitless #hard #never #give #up #Success #beam #little #tumor #gym #fit #balance #stickit

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Snowboardun denge tahtasını anımsatmasının onu çok heyecanlandırdığını söylüyor. Ampüte bacağı ile birlikte dengede olabildiğini ve snowboarddan keyif alabildiğini görünce ailesi ile birlikte yepyeni bir karar alıyorlar.


Brenna Huckaby annesi ile Utah’a taşınıyor. Babası ise Lousiana’da kalmaya devam ediyor…

Burada spor eğitimine devam eden ve snowboard yapan Brenna 2015’te katıldığı ilk yarışmada 1 altın 1 de gümüş madalya kazanıyor.


2016’da yarışlara doğum yapmak için bir süre ara veren Brenna

2017’de 2 altın madalya ile takıma geri dönüyor.


Son olarak geçtiğimiz ay PyeongChang 2018’de,

Katıldığı 2 kategoriden 2 altın madalya ile ayrılan Brenna paralimpik dünya şampiyonu ünvanını kazanıyor.


Genç sporcu başarıları ile oldukça dikkat çekmiş,

Brenna, Sports Illustradted dergisinin çekimlerine katılmış olan ilk paralimpik sporcu. Ayrıca Parents dergisi ve SELF Magazine’de de yer almış.


Sadece 22 yaşında olmasına rağmen inanılmaz bir özgüven ile hayatını tekrar kazanmak için,

Snowboarda sıkı sıkıya sarılan Brenna Huckaby, kendisinin içine düştüğü girdaptan çıkış yolunu bu olduğunu söylüyor.


Brenna herkesin birtakım sorunların altında ezildiğini,

İster yeni bir iş, ister yepyeni bir hayat şekli olsun kendi çıkış yollarını bulup ona sımsıkı sarılmalarını söylüyor.

1.5 Yılda Ameliyatsız ve Antrenörsüz 137 Kilo Veren Lexi Reed’in İnanılmaz Değişimi