Fit HubYaşam1.5 Yılda Ameliyatsız ve Antrenörsüz 137 Kilo Veren Lexi Reed’in İnanılmaz Değişimi

1.5 Yılda Ameliyatsız ve Antrenörsüz 137 Kilo Veren Lexi Reed’in İnanılmaz Değişimi

Lexi Reed ve eşi 2015 yılında evlendiklerinde Lexi tam 220 kiloymuş! Amerikalı çift 2016’ya girerken yeni yıl planlarını kilo vermek olarak belirlemişler. Daha sonra gözümüzle bile inanamadığımız toplam 177 kilo kaybı ile mükemmel bir başarıya imza atmışlar!


Lexi Reed ve eşi 2015 Ekim’de evlendikleri dönemde,

#throwbackthursday to my wedding bra & when they fitted me into a 52F bra. When I married @discoveringdanny on October 3rd, 2015 – I weighed 485lbs. I always wanted to lose weight, but it wasnt until January 2016 I fully committed & then lost 300lbs. Nothing about shopping for a wedding dress at 485lbs was glamorous. Between not being able to find a dress to getting fitted for a bra – nobody knew how to treat a plus size bride. Nobody knew how to make me feel like a bride, and not my size. Thank god I was strong enough to know my worth, and kept searching for my 34W dress even though I questioned if I would ever find one. I debated for a long time about opening my own plus size bridal shop after my experiences dress shopping, but nothing they said to me, and no judgemental looks could make me feel any less. Skinny or heavy I was getting to marry my bestfriend after 10 years. Skinny or heavy I knew I would feel beautiful on my wedding day. Skinny or heavy I knew it was going to be a day i'd never forger & one of the best days of my life. Skinny or heavy – I was worthy of someone who loved me for my heart and not my size. Never make anyone feel any less because they're not a size 0 or what society says they should be. I CHOSE to get healthy because I loved myself enough to change my life. Not because I was unhappy with who I was before. I'm super proud of the girl who fought to get where i am now. I chose to get healthy for me, not anyone else. Love yourself enough to live your best life – start today! #obesetobeast #dietbet #fatgirlfedup #fedup #sweat #dance #goals #weightloss #gym #weightlossjourney #diet #extremeweightloss #swolemate #fitcouple #instafit #food #lowcarb #countingcalories #progress #plussize #effyourbeautystandards #wedding #selflove #weightlosstransformation #fatgirlfedupsdietbet #fattofit #transformation #fitspo #weightlosstransformation

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günde toplam 8000 kalori aldıklarını ve çoğunlukla fast-food ile beslendiklerinlerini belirtiyorlar.


İleride çocuk sahibi olmayı ve daha uzun yıllar yaşamayı isteyen çift,

#mancrushmonday goes out to my husband, best friend, swole/soul mate, prom date, gym partner, high school sweet heart, and the man who made me who I am today @dannyreed5. Our wedding day was perfect and he always made me feel beautiful no matter what size. I wouldn't change a single thing about our wedding day & it was honestly one of the best days of my life! I dont regret getting married when I was 485lbs and I felt beautiful despite my size. My goal was to feel like a princess and even though finding a dress was a struggle – my size 34 dress was perfect for me. Together weve lost 392lbs together, but we gained a life! #husband #love #relationshipgoals #couplegoals #goals #fattofit #obesetobeast #beastmode #fedup #fatgirlfedupsdietbet #dietbet #losingweight #diet #fitness #fitfam #healthylifestyle #cleaneating #fitchick #fitcouple #gym #plussize #wedding #bride #marriage #weightloss #weightlossjourney

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2016’da kilo verme ve sağlıklı bir vücuda sahip olma kararı alıyor.


Çift bu zorlu sürecin başında,

#swolematesunday -392lbs ? naturally since 1/1/2016. Last year at a combined total of 765lbs we were FEDUP with the life that we were living. We had been together for almost 10 years and knew if we wanted many more years together we had to get our health under control. We knew if we wanted to be parents and grow old together – we had to lose the weight. I could give you millions of reasons that I personally knew I had to change, but most of all – I didnt want to die. I didnt want to feel like a prisoner in my own body any longer. I didnt want to feel like I was letting myself down & I knew @dannyreed5 deserved a wife that could do the things he enjoyed and was healthy most of all. We didnt follow a meal plan, have surgery, have a trainer, and we were your average couple that ate fast food daily while avoiding exercising or watching television. We started cooking all of our own meals & stopped eating out, meal prepping for the work week, going to the gym together after work 5x a week for just 30 minutes of cardio, quit drinking our calories, setting goals, and focused on healthy choices every single day. Slowly but surely our bodies changed, and so did our lives. You dont have to be great to start, but you do have to start to be great. Start today! ——————————————————————————— LAST DIETBET OF 2017 STARTS IN LESS THAN 2 WEEKS! Fedup & ready to change? Time to finish 2017 strong! Time to reset after thanksgiving, win money for christmas & rock those outfits when you see all your family! Lose weight, share tips/recipes, giveaways including fedup tees, & get paid! Link in bio or #goals #motivation #fit #fitfam #obesetobeast #weightloss #weightlossjourney #motivation #fattofit #swolemate #fitcouple #dietbet #diet #selflove #plussize #effyourbeautystandards #fitspo #countingcalories #motivation #fitness #gym #anytimefitness #fitspo #losingweight #weightlosstransformation #transform #gymlife #fitnessmotivation #diet #thickfit #gym #transformationtuesday #dietbet #fatgirlfedupsdietbet #extremeweightloss #anytimefitness

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220 Lexi ve 137 Danny olmak üzere toplam 357 kiloydu.


2 yıla yakın bir sürecin sonunda ise hayalleri gerçekleşiyor,

Proof people actually workout in our gym daily. ? Quick 35 min cardio sesh to start the day today! Today was going to be our normal weekly rest day but with our schedule this upcoming week & the end of the year/weightloss anniversary IN LESS THAN 2 MONTHS – Were chasing our goals! 35 mins of cardio for me & weights for @dannyreed5. The rest of the day will be spent with family time & also finishing our weekend project of painting our basement. Rise & grind today everyone! Make time for you & those who matter most today! #sundayfunday #weightlosstransformation #gym #goals #health #goals #fitnessmotivation #fitcouple #fitfam #fitness #fit #weightloss #weightlossjourney #relationshipgoals #swolemates #couplegoals #restday #muscles #weights #dietbet #fatgirlfedupsdietbet #fatgirlfedup #obesetobeast #fattofit

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Lexi toplam 137 kilo vererek 83 kiloya, eşi Danny ise 40 kilo vererek 87 kiloya düşüyor.


Lexi, bu sonucu 450.000 takipçili Instagram hesabında paylaşıyor.

#transformationtuesday -392? since @dannyreed5 & I set a New Years Resolution together 1/1/16. We didnt have a meal plan, surgery, personal trainer, but what we did have was each other & the motivation within to work hard every single day. We wanted to be parents in the future and live a longer life together. We had no idea that in just over a year 6 months we would be a completely different couple. We may have lost the weight but we have grown closer together. Pound by pound, step by step, day by day – we have transformed our lives and molded our bodies into the people we've always wanted to be. This man has been by my side for the last 10 years and treated me no different at 485lbs than he does at 182lbs. We all deserve to live a life we are in love with and have people around that make it worth living. We hope others will hear our story & decide not to give up! ——————————————————————————— Dietbet just started but you can join for 14 days after! Time to get back on track! Thanksgiving is over – dont let Thanksgiving stop your goals! Fedup & ready to change? Time to finish 2017 strong! Time to reset after thanksgiving, win money for christmas & rock those outfits when you see all your family! Lose weight, share tips/recipes, giveaways including fedup tees, $100 wardrobe, @proteinmilkshake protein, & get paid!  Link in bio or #goals #motivation #fit #fitfam #obesetobeast #weightloss #weightlossjourney #motivation #fattofit #fitcouple #dietbet #diet #selflove #plussize #effyourbeautystandards #fitspo  #countingcalories #motivation #fitness #gym #anytimefitness #fitspo #losingweight #weightlosstransformation #transform #gymlife #fitnessmotivation #diet #thickfit  #dietbet #fatgirlfedupsdietbet #extremeweightloss #anytimefitness

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Eşinin kucağında spor salonundaki fotoğrafı için daha önce eşine hiç bu şekilde sarılamadığını dile getiriyor.


Çiftin hikayesinin diğer inanılmaz yanı ise bunu sadece birlikte başarmış olmaları!

There are 33 days left of 2017. How will you use those 33? I plan on using them to better my health, my future, my career, and my life. They are going to pass anyway so why not start now? Dont wait until the new year to be the best version of yourself like I did previously – START TODAY! Woke up early for 1 hour of pulse/zumba this morning half with weights. Hard work pays off – rise & grind! ——————————————————————————— Dietbet just started but you can join for 14 days after! Time to get back on track! Thanksgiving is over – dont let Thanksgiving stop your goals! Fedup & ready to change? Time to finish 2017 strong! Time to reset after thanksgiving, win money for christmas & rock those outfits when you see all your family! Lose weight, share tips/recipes, giveaways including fedup tees, $100 wardrobe, @proteinmilkshake protein, & get paid!  Link in bio or #goals #motivation #fit #fitfam #obesetobeast #weightloss #weightlossjourney #motivation #fattofit #fitcouple #dietbet #diet #selflove #plussize #effyourbeautystandards #fitspo  #countingcalories #motivation #fitness #gym #anytimefitness #fitspo #losingweight #weightlosstransformation #transform #gymlife #fitnessmotivation #diet #thickfit  #dietbet #fatgirlfedupsdietbet #extremeweightloss #anytimefitness

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Yani, beslenme uzmanı, antrenör, ameliyat ya da hiçbir kişiyi dahil etmeden kendi çabaları ve birbirlerine destekleri ile bu noktaya gelebilmişler.


Beslenme düzeni oluşturan çift fast-foodu hayatlarından çıkarmış.

Healthy doesnt mean boring! We have guests over today so instead of going out to lunch I decided to cook healthy honey shrimp, brown rice, & asparagus for them! It was a hit & not bad for a girl who couldnt cook more than eggs last year. I literally experiment with meals and dont usually even follow recipes. I used raw organic honey on the shrimp, liquid aminos & cooked in a skillet. Brown rice was just steamed & roasted the asparagus with olive oil, pink Himalayan salt & garlic. I take foods I love and make them healthy. I use smaller plates for portion control to almost trick my mind. I also will have a certain meat in my fridge such as shrimp and Google 'healthy shrimp recipes' & then decide what I have on hand to make. I'm not the best or most organized cook & that's okay! It's okay to learn as you go & with time just like weight loss – you get better! I will be sharing more recipes in my dietbet, link in bio or #weightloss #weightlossjourney #food #cook #chef #healthyeating #goals #weekend #fitfam #fitness #fattofit #obesetobeast #fitspo #foodporn #foodie #foodisfuel #healthyrecipes #recipes #gains #protein #shrimp #lowcarb #countingcalories #myfitnesspal #losingweight #diet #dietbet #fatgirlfedupsdietbet

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Evde yemek yapmaya vakit ayıran çift kalori hesaplarına ve besinlerine dikkat ederek yemekler hazırlıyor.


Çift spor salonuna gitmeyi alışkanlık haline getirmiş,

Fighting to hit 400lbs lost together before the end of the year! Some days your workouts wont feel like you pushed enough – but you never regret a workout! This morning I worked out with pulse/zumba & weights but didn't feel like I pushed myself because my mind was just in so many other places. When @discoveringdanny asked me to go to the gym with him after work I agreed & finished what I started today! Never beat yourself up for a work out and know that every step is getting you closer to your goals! BTW we are supposed to be on @goodmorningamerica tomorrow but they said its not 100% gauranteed. Looking forward to sharing our story! Round 2 of cardio is complete and weigh in coming soon! #weighttraining #anytimefitness #gym #workout #exercise #fattofit #dietbet #fatgirlfedupsdietbet #fitfam #fitspo #motivation #inspire #inspiration #pushyourself #goals #noexcuses #swolemate #couplegoals #zumba #cardio #dance #weightloss #gym #weightlossjourney #relationshipgoals

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Çift haftada 5-6 gün salona gidiyor ayrıca Lexi Zumba dersleri de alıyor.


Hayatında 10 yıldır olduğunu söylediği eşi Danyy Lexi’nin en büyük destekçisi.

#throwbackthursday to 485lbs & @discoveringdanny proposing to me at sunset on Clearwater Beach. He never saw me as my size, asked me to change, or made me feel as anything other than beautiful. He treated me the same way at 485lbs that he does at 182lbs. Love doesn't have a size or weight limit. He saw the person I was on the inside and supported me while I made that person on the side match my outside. Surround yourself with those who lift you higher and see the greatness in you even when you dont see it yourself! ❤ #weightloss #weightlossjourney #fatgirlfedupdietbet #love #florida #clearwaterbeach #sunset #fitspire #fitcouple #relationshipgoals #couplegoals #fattofit #obesetobeast #beastmode #fitfam #fitspo #inspire #motivation #fitnessmotivation #gym #wedding #engagement #transform #fitspo #diet #extremeweightloss #transformation

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Bu yolculukta birbirlerini çok daha iyi tanıdıklarını ve birbirlerine çok daha yaklaştıklarını söylüyorlar.


Kilo vermekteki amaçlarının çok daha sağlıklı ve uzun bir ömrü birlikte geçirmek olduğunu dile getiren çift,

Many days it felt like all we did was sleep, work 8-10 hours, dinner, workout for 30 mins & repeat. Many days we were sore. Many days we didnt want to workout & the gym was the last thing on our mind. Many days we were tired and unmotivated. Many days we wanted to just rest after working all day. Many days we wanted pizza instead of vegetables. Many days we sacrificed and pushed our body to its limits. Many days that we never gave up, skipped our excuses & showed up anyways. @dannyreed5 & I have literally worked our asses off & worked hard every single day since last year – TOGETHER. Giving up our life before has brought us closer. Together we chiseled out of our old bodies and into our new life. He's supported me from the start so joined my #swolemate for round 2 in the gym tonight. 30 mins of cardio is complete! #weightloss #weightlossjourney #fedup #fiitnessmotivation #dietbet #fitfam #fitspo #health #gym #diet #love #couples #couplegoals #gymlife #swolemates #relationshipgoals #instafit #fitness #fit #fitfam #indiana #lift #muscles #weights #cardio #weightlosstransformation #fatgirlfedup #obesetobeast #fattofit

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Olduğunuz kilo için kendinizi sevmekten vazgeçmemenizi, kendinize kızmamanızı, görüntünüzü yargılamamanızı ancak daha sağlıklı olabilmek için çabalamanız gerektiğini belirtiyor.


Lexi’nin kendisi gibi kilo problemi çekenlere önemli bir mesajı var:

In honor of gaining 10,000+ followers today I thought i'd do something I haven't done in a long time – an about me! Thank you all for your support in my journey! Here we go: . – My real name is Alexis, but you can call me Lexi. I live in Indiana & im 27 years old. I'm a super friendly happy positive person & i'll always try to push you to believe in yourself! – I've lost 303lbs naturally with counting calories and tracking my food on myfitnesspal. I didnt follow a meal plan & tried to eat higher protein less carbs. – I'm left handed. – My hobbies include shopping, working out, hiking, traveling, theme parks, hanging out with my friends, hosting dietbets to help others lose weight, zumba, writing, couponing, working on my bucket list, and just living life to the fullest. – My favorite place is the beach. Although i've only ever seen the ocean in Florida & recently North Carolina. – My favorite type of music is alternative rock. I love Concerts & went to Warped Tour 7 years in a row. Taking Back Sunday is my favorite band & Good Charlotte was my first concert. – My husband @discoveringdanny was my highschool sweet heart & we've been together for 10 years. We started this journey to be parents one day and are still planning Baby Reed in the future! – My favorite cheat meal is Pizza or Chinese food. – My favorite healthy meal is asparagus & blackened Salmon. – I plan on writing a book in 2018 about my journey. – I never planned to have more than 10 friends follow me on instagram and don't consider myself 'famous' or anything like that. I'm just a girl who lost weight & hopes to inspire others to get healthy too. I started my instagram less than 2 years ago & its changed my life. – I love all animals & have 3 dogs 2 cats myself. I feel like there's so much more I could ramble on, but if there's anything you want to know leave it below and I'll use it on my next youtube (fatgirlfedup) Q&A! Welcome everyone I am so overwhelmed with love today and blessed! #weightloss #weightlossjourney #fattofit #aboutme #fitfam #health #life #indiana #dietbet #instagood #instafit #ootd #kohls #ootdfashion #travel #adventure #explore #jacket #outfit #diet #healthylifestyle

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“benim beklediğim gibi yeni yılı beklemeyin! Yarın bundan sonraki hayatınızın ilk günü, yarın istediğiniz şey için çalışmaya başlamayı mı seçeceksiniz yoksa bahaneler üretip yakınmayı mı?”